
Edit Audio File

version 2.11.0~ What you can do with editing audio files Crop audio file Stereo and monaural changes Noise cancellation Change volume Changing the bit rate… Read More »Edit Audio File

Sleep timer

verion 2.10.0 ~ Tap the icon of the player’s moon Please choose any time from 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours ✓ Loop playback… Read More »Sleep timer

Swipe file right to left

Swipe the file from right to left to display the menu Please see below for the explanation of each button rename Move copy Delete  

Settings-shuffle play

You can set the shuffle playback settings The initial setting is OFF.   Shuffle play can also be changed on the player screen

bit rate

You can set the bit rate for conversion icon Open the setting screen from   The default setting is 128k, so you can change it… Read More »bit rate